Monday, September 25, 2017

Chadema cries foul following defections

Arusha Urban MP Godbless Lema (right) speaks

Arusha. Chadema has cried foul over Saturday’s defections of its officials to the ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).
Mr Joshua Nassari, the Arumeru East Member of Parliament (MP) via the Chadema ticket, claimed that he has enough evidence that those, who defected were bribed.
He told reporters during an impromptu press conference here early yesterday that he was ready to provide the said evidence to President John Pombe Magufuli if given a chance.
“I have all the details in my flash disc. We knew there were to be such defections,” he said, adding that it was to involve at least two former councillors, but one of them pulled back in the eleventh hour.
Mr Nassari expressed to hand over the evidence to President Magufuli because the Head of State has powers to order investigation on the issue. “This is a clear case of corruption and if proved otherwise, I am ready to resign,” he remarked,saying corruption should not be allowed to dictate the national politics.
Responding to claims raised by Chadema, a top CCM official who did not want his name to appear in the newspaper because he was not the spokesperson denied the accusations.
“This justifies that Chadema are corrupt. We don’t expect leaders from a political party claiming to be CCM alternatives to receive bribe and relinquish their leadership roles. Tanzanians should refute such accusations,” he said in a telephone interview. Yesterday, efforts to reach CCM spokesperson, Mr Humphrey Polepole were futile, but he was in the past quoted refuting similar allegations, saying Chadema councillors who defected to CCM appreciated efforts made by the government in serving the public.
“They have witnessed the way the government fights against irresponsible public servants, spearhead anti-corruption war, work hard to stop lavish expenditures and protect country’s natural resources for the benefits of the citizens. The defections shows their satisfaction and support,” he said.
Scores of Chadema leaders and followers in Arusha announced they were quitting Chadema after President Magufuli ended his address at the Sheikh Amri Abeid stadium where he commissioned 422 military officers.