Monday, September 18, 2017

Daredevil farmer performs unbelievable tricks on his tractor including 300 foot wheelies

A farmer who performs jaw-dropping wheelies on his tractor has built up a huge fan base after videos of his skills were shared online.
Gaggi Bansra, 21, has been practising his unbelievable acts for more than four years after finding a passion for daredevil stunts while working in his father's fields in Punjab.
Now, the insipid young stuntman can effortlessly maneuvere the one tonne tractor on its back wheels and drag it for an impressive 100 meters (328ft) at one time.
"It is a thrilling ride. It takes me to a different zone. I feel all pumped up while doing these stunts," says Gaggi.
The only son of an agrarian father, Gaggi has been passionate about stunts since he was a teenage

He dreamed of owning a motorbike but could never afford one and instead started practicing on the only vehicle available to him.
When he dropped out of collage Gaggi started helping his father irrigating the fields and, four years ago, he began trying his hand at tractor wheelies.
He says: "I had never seen any videos of such stunts before. It just came to my mind that why not try doing some adventure with the heavy machine.
"I would be honest, I miserably failed the first day as the tractor was heavy and it did not even come off the ground."
While the first try was a complete disappointment, Gaggi was unfazed and kept his hopes high. Within three months he mastered his act.
Once he got into the groove, the young farmer started showing off his stunts to pals and other farmers in the field.

With growing popularity across the villages, offers from fair and films started pouring in.
He said: "People came from far and wide villages to see me doing the stunts. They found it unbelievable because they had no clue how I could even lift the tractor off the ground.
"I get offers from various fair organisers every year. People pay as much as £176 to see me performing these stunts.
"My father had opposed my passion because he feared that it is life-threatening and the stunts can even damage the tractor.
"But I am happy that I could prove my mettle and made him proud of me.

Gaggi is now trying to make a name for himself worldwide.
"My aim is to get my name into Guinness World Records. I want the world to see what I can do with my mean machine," he said.