Sunday, September 17, 2017

Man gets penis stuck in gym weight plate - it takes firefighters three hours to cut him free with power tools

We all know someone who loves the gym but one man took his passion for working out WAY too far this week - when he got his genitals stuck.
Firefighters posted a warning to others after they were called to a hospital to free a man who had trapped his penis in the hole at the centre of a gym weight plate on Friday.
We can't imagine what he was trying to do (besides the obvious).
Perhaps he was onto some unusual strength training. But it's unlikely he would have been able to lift the 2.5kg disc
Once the poor guy had suffered the embarrassment of turning up at hospital with some heavy metal around his penis, he then had to endure firefighters trying to free him for three hours with cutting equipment.
Three. Hours. With power tools. Let that sink in.

The crew in Worms, Germany, posted a picture of the broken weight on their Facebook page, issuing a warning to men not to try to copy the idiotic move.
They wrote: "A message of a somewhat different kind was received on Friday morning, 15.09.2017, at the control centre.
"One person had a very sensitive part of the body trapped in the hole of a 2,5 kg-dumbbell disc.
"With the help of a cutting grinder, a vibrating saw and a hydraulic rescue device, the dumbbell weight could be removed after three hours."
Imagine having that much sharp metal so close to your nether regions.
It's not known whether the man's penis was seriously affected by the incident, but hopefully he made a full recovery.
The firefighters finished their Facebook post with: "Please do not imitate such actions!"
We'd like to reiterate that point. Please don't stick your genitals in gym weight plates.