Thursday, September 21, 2017

People with this face shape have higher sex drives and are more likely to CHEAT on their partners

People with wide, square faces have higher sex drives and are more likely to cheat , a study has found.
Researchers have found those with broader facial features were more aggressive and more sexually driven.
The team led by psychologist Steven Arnocky at Nipissing University, Ontario, measured the faces of 145 undergraduates who were in relationships and interviewed them about their sex lives.
Those with wider faces had more relaxed attitudes about casual sex and were linked with tendencies such as unethical behaviour, prejudice and psychopathic traits.

They were also more likely to be wealthy and more attractive to the opposite sex for a one night stand.
The researchers hope the findings will shed light on the role that facial features play in sexual relationships and mate selection.
Each student completed a questionnaire about their interpersonal behaviour, sex drive, sexual orientation, the chances they would consider cheating.
They were also asked about sociosexual orientation - seen as a measure of how comfortable you are with the concept of casual sex - and how many times they masturbated in a typical month.
The researchers took a picture of each student to analyse their facial width-to-height ratios (FWHR).
Dr Lefevre has previously found that men with wider faces tend to have higher levels of testosterone but warned against over simplifying his latest findings.
“One thing that is important to remember is that we are seeing relatively small correlations here,” she said.
“That means that there is only a tendency for wider-faced people to have a greater sex drive, not that every person with a relatively wide face is a sex maniac.
Previous experiments have wider faces with traits including prejudice, psychopathy, financial success, ambition, questionable ethics and attractiveness.
The researchers found a similar but weaker trend in a separate group of 314 young Canadian adults.
The study appears in the journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour.