Monday, September 18, 2017

Well-wishers raise Sh106m for Lissu’s hospital bill

   The money has been donated by Chadema and other people residing in and outside the country. Chadema supporters in the Diaspora have started an online fundraising campaign through to raise funds to enable Mr Lissu to be flown the United States of America or further treatment.

Dar es Salaam. A total of $47,547 (Sh106 million) has been raised for the treatment of Singida East MP and Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) president Tundu Lissu, who is still admitted to a Nairobi hospital after he was shot by unidentified assailants on September 7.
The money has been donated by Chadema and other people residing in and outside the country. Chadema supporters in the Diaspora have started an online fundraising campaign through to raise funds to enable Mr Lissu to be flown the United States of America or further treatment.
As we went to the press yesterday evening, $17,812 (about Sh36.9 million) had been donated by Mr Lissu’s sympathisers through the online campaign. The amount was raised by 360 people since the campaign started five days ago.
Speaking to The Citizen in a telephone interview yesterday, Chadema Director of Foreign Communications and Foreign Affairs John Mrema said the party had raised $30,000 from well-wishers through bank accounts and mobile money banking.
After Mr Lissu was assaulted, Chademab well-wishers started raising funds to facilitate his treatment.
Chadema plans to raise $50,000 (about Sh111.25 million) for the purpose.
Some dignitaries, including retired Chief Justice Mohamed Othman Chande, have visited Mr Lissu in Nairobi.
Kigoma Urban Member of Parliament Zitto Kabwe, who was in Nairobi recently, writes on his Facebook account that he spoke to Mr Lissu. He says Mr Lissu told him that they had won. “I spoke to Lissu and he told me that we have won and we will win,” writes Mr Kabwe.
Mr Lissu was shot several times by unidentified assailants in his stomach and legs. On Friday Chadema denied reports in a section of Tanzanian media that the fiery Tanzanian opposition Chief Whip’s condition worsened after developing a chest infection, while receiving treatment in Nairobi.
Mr Lissu was flown to the Nairobi hospital after being briefly admitted to Dodoma Hospital as he sustained gun wounds that left him fighting for his life.
Journalists have not been allowed to see or speak to the leader, who was reportedly shot by between 21 and 25 bullets just after he arrived at his Dodoma resident and before he disembarked from his car.
Chadema National Chairman Freeman Mbowe told the media the politician was able to speak, eat some food and even receive some visitors under the strict supervision of a team of doctors attending to him.
“Mr Lissu is able to speak and has even been receiving some visitors although under the strict supervision of a team of doctors attending to him. Despite the large number of visitors wishing to see him, he is only allowed to see a limited number of them since the doctors would like him to have as much bed rest as possible for a speedy recovery,” Mr Mbowe, he was quoted as saying.
The Chadema party boss noted that Mr Lissu had sent greetings to well-wishers, his fellow parliamentarians and also asked people not to allow dictatorial regimes to exist in Africa.“Mr Lissu has sent his greetings to the people of East Africa, his fellow parliamentarians and all well-wishers. He has asked them not to allow dictatorial regimes to control the affairs and destiny of the nations of Africa since they have made the continent lag behind in development and democracy,” Mr Mbowe said.
A total of $47,547 (Sh106 million) has been raised for the treatment of Singida East MP and Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) president Tundu Lissu, who is still admitted to a Nairobi hospital after he was shot by unidentified assailants on September 7.