Monday, October 16, 2017

Man renames himself after favourite tea brand – because he drinks so much of it

A man has renamed himself after his favourite brand of tea.
Nathan Garner, 31, is now known as Nathan Yorkshire Tea Gardner. He changed his name by deedpoll.
The brew fan hails from Sheffield – which is in Yorkshire, for anyone who might not know.
He drinks at least (at least!) 15 cups a day, so besotted is he with the warming British favourite, even knocking back two cups before he's even brushed his teeth.

He said: "I was at work one day and my mate Billy said, 'chuffin' hell, you drink so much of the stuff you should change your name to Yorkshire Tea'.
"I thought it was a great idea, so at lunch I got out my phone and went onto the website and got rid of Derek."
Nathan didn't kill anyone called Derek. No, this story doesn't take such a sinister turn. Derek was Nathan's middle name. Keep up to be honest.
The tea drinker's employers were so proud of their man that they shared the news to Twitter.

Laura added: "We can't wait to welcome him up to our Harrogate HQ for a tasting and to meet the team."
Before we go, you might be wondering how Nathan takes his tea, and whether he's able to sleep? He said he sleeps "like a baby", and has his first at 4am when he wakes up for work. He has milk and two sugars.
Stick the kettle on would you, Nathan?