Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Nassari, Lema, Msigwa submits video clips to PCCB

Dar es Salaam. Three Chadema MP’s Godbless Lema (Arusha Urban), Joshua Nassari (Arumeru East) and  Rev Peter Msigwa (Iringa Urban) have submitted to the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) video clips allegedly implicating 10 former civic leaders and several public servants in bribery.
The MP’s arrived at the PCCB house in Upanga area, Ilala Municipality today, October 2 on foot and proceeded to the anti-corruption offices main gate.
Journalists were blocked by PCCB securities from accompanying the law makers into the offices.
This comes just one day after two MPs, Lema and Nassari, accused the government officials of bribing civic leaders so as to entice they to decamp from opposition Chadema and join ruling CCM in Arumeru District, Arusha Region.
The evidence which the three MPs went to submit is in the form of video clips, which were secretly recorded and which allegedly show the then former Chadema grassroots leaders receiving kickbacks from government officials to persuade them to ditch Chadema for CCM.
Government leaders alleged to have been filmed dishing out bribes to former Chadema councillors include a district commissioner, district council chairman and district administrative secretary in Arusha Region.